January 2024 Newsletter
Happy new year to you all! I would like to start January’s newsletter with an ancient universal prayer, which is part of the Pavamana Mantra from the Brhadaranyaka Upanishad. The translation of the entire mantra is: “Lead us from ignorance to knowledge, from darkness to light and from death to immortality.” It is…
December 2023 Newsletter
Winter: time to rest and renew… What’s happening in Nature in the Winter? Many of our workshops this month, such as the Restorative Workshops, the Yin Workshops, and the Yoga Nidra (sleep), connect us to what nature is doing – resting. This ‘wintering’ or hibernation is a crucial activity, giving the earth…
November 2023 newsletter
October 2023 newsletter
September was a busy and very thought provoking month. We held the 2nd module of the 3 year Viniyoga Therapy Course in which 3 of our teachers are participating in. Talking about Vasanas One topic from these 10 days was talking about Vasanas (Sanskrit word for impressions). These impressions accumulate over our…
September 2023 newsletter
We hope you have had a wonderful Summer, enjoyed the outdoors and relaxed. I was lucky enough to swim in beautiful clear mountain lakes, walk in the pure fresh air of magnificent mountains and have some time with old friends on my Summer holiday. It relaxed me, recharged me, it…
July 2023 newsletter
We have passed the Summer Solstice. I watched the sunrise on the 21st June with my dog on Burton Bradstock beach and did some walking meditation. In the afternoon I met a friend at The Kingston Russel Stone Circle. Prehistoric stone rows, stone circles and standing stones are littered across…
June 2023 newsletter
I have been catching up with my study of the Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali, after a busy few months. The sūtras are the most important source for any yoga teacher to refer to. They present the entire yoga system, its core philosophical principles and deep insights into the many practices….
May 2023 newsletter
We’ve just passed Beltane, the Gaelic May Day festival that marks the beginning of Summer. Trees are bursting into blossom and glorious shades of bright green are appearing all around, and… dare I say it some sunshine. All the seeds of Winter’s dreaming can begin to gather strength, draw energy…
April 23 newsletter
For the past 10 days the yoga centre has been full of the sounds of Vedic chanting as myself and two fellow teachers Kim Mackie and Arianna Moretti have been immersed in the first seminar of a 3 year Viniyoga therapy training taught by Dr Kausthubha Desikachar and chant teacher…
March 2023 newsletter
Aesculus hippocastanum Our March newsletter is a celebration of the two wonderful Horse Chestnut trees that have graced Dorchester town centre for many years, companions outside the Yoga Centre since it opened. They have guided us and our practice through the seasons for nearly 8 years.
February 2023 newsletter
We have had another snap of very cold weather but I have been amazed at the dedication of our students who have turned up on the coldest, frostiest days and nights with such enthusiasm. Thank you. It seems that we are desperate for our sangha, our yoga community, especially after…
January 2023 newsletter
Welcome to 2023!