December 2019 newsletter

We hope you enjoy the end of year festivities. It can be a lot a lot of fun, and it can also take its toll on our wellbeing. We are encouraged to overdo it on shopping, food, drink, merriment, and the pressure of getting it all done.

A little indulgence is great and a deserved treat after you’ve worked so hard the whole year through – but don’t over do it! It really is the season to find some balance.

Find time to sit in candle or firelight, reading or chatting and playing games, to eat nourishing soups and stews, for comfort, warmth and ease on the digestive system, and limit the sweet stuff, so that it’s a real treat when you have it!

Gifting feels good and is a symbolic gesture. And it should be within your means. As well as that, the idea that your gift will sit unused or end in landfill now gives many of us the heebie-jeebies.

Choose simple, gifts with love and a purpose, and wrap with awareness!

And of course we have lots of restorative, yin and breathing classes to help you pace yourself.

Winter is a time to reflect and be thankful, and I would like to say a big thank you to all our students and clients who have supported our centre throughout the year, and all the teachers and practitioners for providing a place of laughter, love, learning, nourishment and care.

As ever, the details are below and in the calendar – please check it!

A Merry Xmas to you all, and a Happy New Year from Sharon and all the teachers and therapists at Dorchester Yoga and Therapy Centre

Classes, Courses and Workshops: December

Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra with Sharon Cox-Button

Mindfulness Drop-In with Jem Shackleford

Breathing and Yoga Nidra with Sharon Cox-Button

Iyengar Yoga workshop with Cheree Low

Holistic Yoga workshop with Duncan Hulin

Mini First Aid with Sue Fisher

Sound Space Meditation with Chrissy Foster

Chakra Workshop with Jez Culley

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali with Sarah Ryan

Silent Yoga XL Special with Leanne Jones

Honouring The Winter Solstice with Sian Lalita Alcock

Alignment Flow Yoga with Victoria Boast

Self Practice (Mysore) – Kim Mackie

Yoga at Xmas with Isabelle and Lea

Self Practice (Mysore) Kim Mackie

The Winter Solstice is the time of ending and beginning, a powerful time —
A time to contemplate your immortality.
A time to forgive, to be forgiven, and to make a fresh start.
A time to awaken.
~~ Frederick Lens ~~

November 2019 newsletter

Welcome to our November newsletter.

In Chinese medicine Autumn is associated with the organ The Lung. The lungs are responsible for bringing clean rich oxygen into the body and removing waste, for bringing Prana or Qi into the body – the primal or vital energy that drives life.

Every organ has a partner; the lung is yin, its yang partner is the large intestine, also responsible for letting go of waste. When the two are in balance they are responsible for taking in the new and letting go of the old, for boundaries and renewal, the constant cycle of life.

So Autumn is a good time to let go of any past experiences or finish old projects that we may be holding on to, let go of emotions and generally clean out. This makes room for new ideas; at this time of year they can be creative, internal, cultivating body and mind, becoming more introspective, turning in and slowing down.

Breathe deeply, let go of negativity in your life, walk outside and enjoy the crisp cool air and enjoy the beautiful colours of Autumn.

Reorganise your surroundings, clean and donate to charity anything you don’t require.

This is all strengthening to the lung energy and therefore balancing to the body and mind.

In October our workshops and classes were full of yin and restorative classes as everyone felt the need to begin to slow down and turn in after the exciting but exhaustive nature of summer. This continues through November as our restorative, yin, reiki and breathing practices support the lung energy.

Keep warm, wear a scarf to protect against the wind, and enjoy the rich colours of Autumn

As ever, the details are below and in the calendar – please check it!

With best wishes from Sharon and all the teachers and therapists at Dorchester Yoga and Therapy Centre

Continue reading “November 2019 newsletter”

October 2019 newsletter

We have got off to a very busy autumn term at the centre. We have a new Kinesiology training in progress with Jane Collison, Finding Stillness with Marj, an Introduction to Meditation is underway, Annabel Fox has just finished a Reiki One training and our teachers are all back from their holidays and our full timetable is underway.

I would like to welcome two new yoga teachers, Jess Obermaier and Jacqueline Wigglesworth. You can read all about them on the website and see their classes in the new classes listings below.

Jess Obermaier photojacqueline wigglesworth photo








As ever, the details are below and in the calendar – please check it!

With best wishes from Sharon and all the teachers and therapists at Dorchester Yoga and Therapy Centre

Continue reading “October 2019 newsletter”

July 2019 newsletter

My word, what a busy month we have had, filling those long days of sunlight, (well light unfortunately no sun!)  June 21st was International Yoga Day and we had a wonderful night on Friday with free classes from 5:15 – 9:30pm. Thank you to all the teachers for offering their time freely and making such a wonderful event, and thank you to all of you who came along and for donating to the The Bus Shelter Dorset who supports those sleeping rough. We raised just over £250!

On Satuday we ran the Holistic Zone at Dorset Fest, with Jane Collison offering aromatherpy hand massage, kinesiology and healing, Rebecca Shalts offering reflexology and Eli Button offering Thai Yoga Massage, plus yoga classes throughout the day. The sun shone and a good time was had by all. Thank you to all those who came along.

Yoga class in a tent at Dorset FestWe would like to introduce our nutritionist Helen to you this month (below), and in our autumn newsletters we will introduce some more of our newer therapists who have recently joined us.

We have a few more workshops in July and then things will quieten down for August. Regular classes are still on but do keep an eye on the calendar in case your teacher  takes some time off for a break.

As usual there will be no newsletter in August but will resume again in September. Enjoy being outdoors, eat good food, relax and enjoy time with friends, all good things to feed the soul.

As ever, the details are below and in the calendar – please check it!

With best wishes from Sharon and all the teachers and therapists at Dorchester Yoga and Therapy Centre

Continue reading “July 2019 newsletter”

June 2019 newsletter

Our format this month is not its usual slickness as Ed my newsletter editor is moving house, so it’s a bit rough and ready but the content is fabulous as always!

International Yoga Day logoFriday June 21st is International Yoga day and we would like to share this special day with you by inviting you to a free evening of yoga classes – see more below

If any of you are going to the Dorset Fest this year, we look forward to seeing you there. Dorchester Yoga and Therapy Centre will be running the Holistic Zone, offering Yoga, meditation, relaxation, aromatherapy hand massage, reflexology, thai yoga massage, kinesiology and meridian balancing!  Come and find us!

Enjoy the weather and the great outdoors,  and of course your yoga, and be thankful for living in such a wonderful part of the country, indeed the world!

As ever, the details are below and in the calendar – please check it!

With best wishes from Sharon and all the teachers and therapists at Dorchester Yoga and Therapy Centre

International Yoga Day

We will be offering free classes from 5.15 to 9.30pm, with a shared Chanting For Peace at 6pm. Come for one or come for all!!!


  • 5.15-6.00pm Beginners Yoga – Kim Jones
  • 5.15-6.00pm Exploring Stillness – Marj Snape
6.00- 6.30pm Chanting For Peace – Marj Snape and Sarah Ryan
6.30-7.15pm Hatha Yoga – Sandy Tubby
6.30-7.15pm Ashtanga Vinyasa – Kim Mackie
  • 7.15-8.00pm RajaDhiraja Yoga – Jez Culley
  • 7.15-8.00pm Vinyasa Flow – Toni Roberts
8.00-8.45pm Beginners Yoga – Toni Franklin
  • 8.00-8.45pm Jivamukti Yoga – Leanne Jones
  • 8.45-9.30pm Breathing and Yoga Nidra – Sharon Cox-Button
  • 8.45-9.30pm Yin Yoga – Chrissie Haskett

We ask for a donation of £5 to The Bus Shelter Dorset who supports those sleeping rough.

New Classes

We started various new classes in May:

Yoga For Parkinsons is a new weekly class on Thursdays 9.15-10.15am taught by Sharon Cox-Button, if you are interested or would like more information please contact  07742821937 or

We also hosted an Introduction to Baby signing class run by Little Signers for our Mums, Dads and Babies and that was a huge success and enjoyed buy all so we hope to be able to offer a regular course soon.

Our monthly Reiki Share is back and Annabel Fox, our Massage and Reiki therapist took the first session. There have been no reiki shares for a while now as Karen Giles who used to take them has retired, but we hope she might come back and take a few odd ones! It has been missed by many and so is great to have it back on the timetable! These sessions will be monthly, but not fixed to a certain day. So if you would like to be informed as to when they are, and who is teaching them please contact us to be added to the email list. If you would like to know more about reiki share  please contact us. It could be a great introduction to the reiki world!

Monthly classes and workshops in June

  • Thursday 6th June 7.00-8.30pm Mindfulness Drop-In with Jem Shackleford
  • Friday 7th June 7.00-8.00pm Breathing and Yoga Nidra with Sharon Cox-Button
  • Saturday 8th June  10.45-12.15pm Yoga Sutras of Patanjali with Sarah Ryan
  • Wednesday 12th June 12.30-2.00pm Sound Space Meditation with Chrissy Foster
  • Saturday 15th June 10.00-12.30pm Qoya Workshop with Vikki Smisek
  • Saturday 15th June 1.00-4.00pm Iyengar Yoga Workshop with Cheree
  • Sunday 16th June 11.00-4.00pm Crystal healing Workshop with Sakhmets Care
  • Tuesday 18th June 10.00-12.00pm Mini First Aid with Sue Fisher
  • Thursday 20th June 6.30-8.30pm Reiki Share with Annabel Fox
  • Friday 21st June 5.30-9.00pm INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY (see above)
  • Saturday 22nd 10.00-1.00pm The Wisdom of the Upanishads with Marj Snape
  • Saturday 22nd 11.00-2pm Celebrating the Summer Solstice with Sian Lalita Alcock
  • Saturday 29th 10.00-12.30pm Chakra Workshop with Jez Culley
  • Saturday 29th 2.00-5.30pm Massage with a Partner Workshop with Jane Collison
  • Sunday 30th 10.00-11.30am Alignment Flow with Victoria Boast


May 2019 newsletter

The horse chestnut tree is looking fabulous as it casts its dappled shade into the studios and reminds us of the passing of the seasons. The newly formed buds have literally doubled in size every day over the past few weeks, and now the leaves are at their most luscious!!

This reminds us of the upward moving and expansive energy of Spring, and just as nature expresses determination and creativity we too want to engage in activities that require this determination and creativity.

We feel the excitement of the summer approaching and begin to plan our summer activities. It is a perfect time to spring clean the body as we do our homes, and it’s a good time to let go of stimulants such as coffee and alcohol and use the lighter, longer and warmer days to fuel ourselves instead.

Our lives change in many ways with the seasons; our food, hobbies and of course our yoga practice. The outside grass begs handstands and cartwheels, more dynamic postures and energetic classes (of course only if it suits you).

We hope you find lots to feed your creative Spring energy.

As ever, the details are below and in the calendar – please check it!

With best wishes from Sharon and all the teachers and therapists at Dorchester Yoga and Therapy Centre

Continue reading “May 2019 newsletter”

April 2019 newsletter

Welcome to our April newsletter!

Thank you to all those who came to our Natural Therapies Open Day, and thank you to our practitioners who gave their time freely. It was a wonderful day, with absolutely fascinating talks and wonderfully healing experiences.

Here are a selection of photos from the day:

As always we have a fabulous selection of workshops this month, and some new courses starting.

We are especially honoured to have Dr Kausthub Desikachar giving a talk on Yoga and relationships.

Dr. Kausthub Desikachar is the successor and current lineage holder of the classical Yoga tradition of T Krishnamacharya & TKV Desikachar.

He is an acclaimed yoga teacher, yoga therapist, healer and spiritual adviser. His objectives include the sharing of the authentic teachings of Yoga to the modern era, as well as building bridges between different healing modalities to promote physical, emotional social and spiritual health.

Read more about the talk: Sacred Connections – Yoga and Relationships

Due to Easter please check the calendar to make sure your regular classes are on; Jivamukti XL will be the 4th Friday of the month and at a slightly later time of 7:30 – 9:30pm.

Enjoy the lighter evenings and the warmer weather and make time for your self!

With best wishes from Sharon and all the teachers and therapists at Dorchester Yoga and Therapy Centre

Continue reading “April 2019 newsletter”

March 2019 Newsletter

Acro yoga workshopWelcome to our March newsletter!

We are holding a Therapies Open Day on Saturday 30th March 10:30 – 2:30pm and would love you to come.

There will be talks, presentations, demonstrations, and free 15 minute slots with therapists you already know, and our newer therapists. There will be iridology talks, kinesiology demonstrations, mindfulness presentations, an interactive talk on genograms, sacred geometry talk, crystal therapy talk, a smoothie demonstration, bowen, counselling, massage, reflexology, women’s health, and more…

Check the Therapies Open Day on the website for more information and contact us if you are interested in making an appointment with a particular therapist.

As ever, classes, courses and workshops’ up to date details are below and in the calendar – please check it!

With best wishes from Sharon and all the teachers and therapists at Dorchester Yoga and Therapy Centre

Continue reading “March 2019 Newsletter”

February 2019 newsletter

Welcome to our February newsletter. Brrrrrr it’s cold outside, but the studios are toasty and we have lots of events for you to choose from in our busy month ahead.

We have our usual visiting yoga teachers offering their wonderful workshops:

  • Twists with Zoe Knott
  • Acro yoga with Chris Clayton-Jones
  • Shakti dance with Magdalena Atkinson
  • Leanne Jones is back from India and so we have our monthly XL Jivamukti classes back

yoga mats on the floorWe are excited to welcome Cheree Low. She is an Iyengar teacher from East Dorset who I hope will be offering us some regular Iyengar yoga workshops.

And a new course from one of our newer and very experienced teachers, Toni Roberts: Yoga Therapy for the Mind. You can talk to Toni confidentially to find out if this course may be able to help you to achieve a positive mental well-being.

We have two new workshops from experienced practitioners in their own fields:

  • Daoist Yoga from Kung Fu teacher Robert Joyce; an interesting fusion of Yoga and Martial Arts (this is a one off so if you are interested, book as it won’t be repeated!)
  • Body Dialogue with Trilby Fairfax; a chance to really go inside and listen and explore your body in a unique way.

On the therapeutic side of things, for families, we would like to welcome

  • Corinne Lukomski offering Hypnobirthing Classes
  • Michele Carter-Grogan offering Toddler Behaviour Classes
  • Rowena Gledhill offering baby Reflexology Classes

Lots there for the family!

If you are struggling with your New Year Resolutions for a healthy new approach to life we have a great team of therapists to help you:

As ever, the details are below and in the calendar – please check it!

Enjoy the month with the snowdrops and daffodils peeping up and beckoning the new Spring,

With best wishes from Sharon and all the teachers and therapists at Dorchester Yoga and Therapy Centre

Continue reading “February 2019 newsletter”

January 2019 Newsletter

Happy New Year and welcome to a busy month of wonderful, healthy, and really interesting events to set your New Year off to a good start.

Firstly, welcome to two new therapists and two new workshop leaders to our centre:

Our full timetable resumes on the 7th January, but there are lots of goodies before that. We all look forward to seeing you in the New Year.

As ever, the details are below and in the calendar – please check it!

With warm wishes from Sharon and all the teachers and therapists at Dorchester Yoga and Therapy Centre

Continue reading “January 2019 Newsletter”