Welcome to Autumn; crisp mornings and beautiful colours.

Kim Mackie
As well as a change in the seasons and the clocks, we also have lots of changes at the Yoga and Therapy Centre. Our wonderful Kim Mackie who has been teaching Ashtanga Vinyasa for the last 8 years ever since we have been open, is changing her classes to Classical Yoga, a Viniyoga approach which she has been studying now for several years. This change will take place in November with slight changes in timings too so please check the timetable.
All good teachers are constantly training and constantly learning, and changing not only their own practice but their teachings for their students so that it is appropriate. The ancient yogis based their concept of physical fitness and health on an entirely different set of criteria to modern times:
- a feeling of lightness in the body
- an ability to withstand change and
- a stable body and focused mind ready to sit for pranayama and meditation.
They understood that our physical needs change and so they developed the science of asana practice as a way of promoting the balanced growth of a body into old age. From infancy to senior years the physical yoga practice should change according to the individual: constitution, place, season, gender, time, age, capacities, aspirations and activities. For Kim’s students this change will be no surprise as they will all have been changing and developing along side one another.

Year One of Our Viniyoga Therapy Course
Both Kim and Arianna and myself have just finished Year One of our Viniyoga Therapy Course, a traditional teaching based on Patanjalis yoga sutras and also on an ancient model of health from the Taittiriya Upanisad, which has been transmitted by word of mouth from student to teacher over thousands of years. Our students I am sure will all be reaping the benefits of these teachings from the three of us!!

Ness Sherry
For those who love their Ashtanga practice we are pleased to say that a class will remain on a Saturday morning at the slightly later time of 10.30 – 11.45am with new teacher Ness Sherry. A big warm welcome to Ness. Watch this space as she hopes to offer more classes in other aspects of yoga too.

Rowan Woodhouse
A big warm welcome to another new teacher, Rowan Woodhouse, who will be offering a weekly evening breath class. He is initially offering 4 weeks in November, starting on November the 9th at 8.00 – 9.15pm, with tasters of his breath work. He will then start a regular Thursday evening class in January.
Vedic Chanting for Peace
For this month’s Vedic Chanting Class donations will be for will be for Medecins Sans Frontieres and we will be specifically chanting for peace in the world, all welcome even if you have no experience.
Vedic Chanting for Peace, with Sarah Ryan
Saturday Nov 4th, 12.00 – 1.00pm
No previous experience necessary.
When people come together with a common purpose, it can be very powerful. Please come and join us as we chant for peace in the world.

November Highlights
We are excited to have experienced Iyengar teacher Rachel Lovegrove coming to the yoga centre. Rachel is offering a weekend of Iyengar Yoga, although you can book each day as a stand alone if you can’t make both days.
We are very pleased to have Magdalena back with her Drums and Chanting monthly workshop, Kim Jones with her Menopause Yoga Workshop and a Gong Bath and Kundalini Yoga Workshop for Anger with Arianna Puran Udini.
We have lots of lovely Yin and Restorative Workshops to help you slow down, and embrace the inevitable onset of Winter, the dark part of the year: the darker evenings, the later dawns, the storms of winter, and hopefully time for stillness and a more internal focus. Stillness brings tranquillity, which in turn brings insight, leading to understanding, wisdom and a new sense of purpose.
View Our Workshops

Welcome Melina
As well as new yoga teachers we have a new member in our Therapy team, welcome to Melina who will be offering Swedish massage Reiki and Rahanni Healing. She is taking bookings from the beginning of November.

Looking Ahead to December
We are pleased to have Dominique Preston back again with her lovely Yin Fascial Yoga Workshop – Roll Release and Relax, the first Sunday of December 2.00 – 5.00pm.
And an exciting workshop called Awakening The Dancer in You with Bowen Therapist Melanie Philip.
Warm wishes, from Sharon et al
November Courses & Workshops
Breathing and Yoga Nidra with Sharon Cox-Button
Friday 3rd, 6.30-7.30pm
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Saturday 4th, 10.30-11.45am
Vedic Chanting N.B. Special Peace Chanting with Sarah Ryan
Saturday 4th, 12.00-1.00pm
Menopause Yoga with Kim Jones
Saturday 4th, 2.00-5.00pm
Drums and Chanting with Magdalena Atkinson
Friday 10th, 6.30-8.30pm
Iyengar Yoga with Rachel Lovegrove
Saturday 11th, 11.00 – 4.00pm
Iyengar Yoga with Rachel Lovegrove
Sunday 12th, 10.00 – 2.00pm
Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra with Sharon Cox-Button
Sunday 12th, 2.30 – 5.00pm
Restorative Yoga For Deep Rest with Tracey Boast
Friday 17th, 6.00 – 8.00pm
Tuning Forks For Stress Relief with Nicki Greenham
Friday 17th, 7.00 – 8.30pm
Gong Bath For Anger with Arianna Puran Udini
Saturday 18th, 10.00 – 12.30pm
Iyengar Yoga with Cheree Low
Saturday 18th, 1.00 – 4.00pm
Sacred Space Fun Workshop with Sharon Bentley
Sunday 19th, 10.00 – 12.00pm
Yin Yoga Workshop with Chrissie Haskett
Sunday 19th, 2.30 – 5.00pm
Mini First Aid with Sue Fisher
Wednesday 22nd, 10.30 – 12.30pm
Yin Yoga with Toni Franklin
Friday 24th, 6.00 – 7.30pm
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali with Sarah Ryan
Saturday 25th, 10.30 – 11.45pam
Vedic Chanting with Sarah Ryan
Saturday 25th, 12.00-1.00pm
Reiki Share with Sharon Cox-Button
Saturday 25th, 2.00 – 3.30pm
Saturday Soundbath with Bex Leonard
Saturday 25th, 5.30 – 6.45pm
Pilates More Core for Men with Sharon Morgan
Sunday 26th 11.00-12.00pm