September was a busy and very thought provoking month. We held the 2nd module of the 3 year Viniyoga Therapy Course in which 3 of our teachers are participating in.

Talking about Vasanas
One topic from these 10 days was talking about Vasanas (Sanskrit word for impressions). These impressions accumulate over our life time; traumas, thoughts, conditioning from family and society and create the Samskaras, the patterns within which we live our lives. We cannot change these impressions but we can become aware of them, and then change the Samskaras. We can stop constantly repeating the negative patterns that have evolved and made us who we are. Indeed the practices of yoga help us to do that: with mantra, visualization, breath and meditation.
The Miracle and Meaning of this life
At the end of the month we had Derek Thorne from the Vedantarama Advaita Centre in Somerset, who spoke about the Miracle and Meaning of this life. It left me with a sense of how exciting life is and what a great time it is to be alive. Yes there are always terrible things happening, such is the nature of life and human existence, but when you think about how many people exist side by side in peace and harmony on this planet and the acheievements of humanity, it is quite amazing. For several years now I have stopped watching the news or reading the newspapers, as I don’t want those images and patterns to be the predominant ones in my thoughts, thereby creating and shaping the life I lead.
Quantum physics tells us that the the entire Universe emerged from thought. You create your life through your thoughts. What you are thinking now is creating your future life. So think the life you want to live, think positively don’t dwell on the negative!

A Fairwell to Ed Mitchell
The yoga centre will be 8 years old this Autumn, and throughout this time Ed Mitchell has been beside me helping with the website and the newsletter. The day has finally come when Ed has to move onto other things, so thank you Ed for being such a rock by my side, for being calm and intelligent and funny, I couldn’t have done it without you. And also thank you for finding your replacement and delivering me into the hands of Beccy. A big welcome to you Beccy!
October Highlights
We have some really interesting workshops this month:
Parentmed Newborn Navigation Course
Surviving and thriving in the fourth trimester!
A comprehensive, session covering newborn health matters, helping parents and caregivers understand what to expect in the first life-changing months and when to seek further advice and support. Delivered by experienced NHS Paediatric Consultants.
Sacred Space Fun Workshops with Sharon Bentley
Sacred Space Fun Workshops to reduce Anxiety and stress, balance your energy, transform heavy energy into lightness, joy and happiness, find that childlike playfulness within… using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique / Tapping), Flower Essences, sacred energy and sound.
An Intro into Authentic Relating with Nichola Motley
Authentic Relating is a set of simple yet profound practices and skills, which help us have more open and vulnerable connections with others and also with ourselves.
Introduction in the Art of Being One with Life with Christian Probst
The important things in life are simple. We just don’t experience it this way. Parts of us complicate things more than they are. But it is more to our life than we usually have in our mind. And there are parts of us which know that too. So, how do we dance with all these parts of us?
October Workshops and Courses
We hope some of thsese will help you change your thought patterns for a more positive life!
Restorative Yoga for Deep Rest with Tracey Boast
Sunday October 1st, 10.00 – 12.00pm
Pilates Short Course with Sharon Morgan
Sunday October 1st, 10.00 – 11.00am
Breathing and Yoga Nidra with Sharon Cox-Button
Friday 6th October, 6.30 – 7.30pm
Parentmed with Dr Clare Hollingsworth, Dr Will Verling, Dr Munisha Balain
Saturday 7th, 10.00 – 12.00pm
Sacred Space Fun Workshop with Sharon Bentley
Saturday 7th, 2.00 – 4.00pm
Yin Yoga Workshop with Chrissie Haskett
Sunday 8th, 2.30 – 5.00pm
Tuning Forks for Stress Relief with Nicki Greenham
Friday 13th, 7.00 – 8.30pm
Yoga sutra of Patanjali with Sarah Ryan
Saturday 14th, 10.30 – 11.45am
Vedic Chanting with Sarah Ryan
Saturday, 12.00 – 1.00pm
Iyengar Yoga with Cheree Low
Saturday 21st October, 1.00 – 4.00pm
Introduction In the Art of Being One With Life Christian Probst
Sunday 22nd October, 10.00 – 1.00pm
Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra
Sunday 22nd October, 1.30 – 4.00pm
Yin Yoga Monthly with Toni Franklin
Friday 27th October, 6.00 – 7.30pm
Authentic Relating with Nichola Motley
Saturday 28th October, 2.30 – 5.00pm